Your choice to go and see a debt counsillor most probably have been influenced by very crafty advertising. Or it is an act of desperation. It should be the absolute LAST thing you do if you feel financially pressurized.
I said the LAST thing , I did not say you must not see one – It is like Anti-biotics: it is a life threatening neccessity: If you know you will die without taking it, then take it and do not worry about the consequences. But if your life is not threatened investigate other options.
It is the same with debt. If there is no other option then go for debt review. But know the consequences.
Did you know that you are going to be required to do a proper budget once you have seen the debt councellor ? Do you know he is going to minutely scrutenize the budget and then make recommendations as to the amount of money you will be offering your creditors? This will adversely affect your credit record for years and maybe even decades !
Why am I telling you this ? Because there are alternatives.
We are presenting one hour free sessions on the subject. All you have to do is book !
There are other options ! Take control of your financial health and keep control !
082 222 5002
I said the LAST thing , I did not say you must not see one – It is like Anti-biotics: it is a life threatening neccessity: If you know you will die without taking it, then take it and do not worry about the consequences. But if your life is not threatened investigate other options.
It is the same with debt. If there is no other option then go for debt review. But know the consequences.
Did you know that you are going to be required to do a proper budget once you have seen the debt councellor ? Do you know he is going to minutely scrutenize the budget and then make recommendations as to the amount of money you will be offering your creditors? This will adversely affect your credit record for years and maybe even decades !
Why am I telling you this ? Because there are alternatives.
We are presenting one hour free sessions on the subject. All you have to do is book !
There are other options ! Take control of your financial health and keep control !
082 222 5002